Protecting your assets with a remote workforce 

The COVID-19 pandemic changed life in unexpected ways. From limiting time with family and friends to transforming the way that we go about our daily activities, 2020 was a challenge that pushed many individuals from their comfort zones. It is a testament to their resilience that a significant number of people not only adjusted to the unanticipated changes but also thrived despite the circumstances.

One of the biggest challenges faced by employers and employees around the world was the sudden necessity of working from home. According to the Office for National Statistics, almost 36% of the employed population worked at home for some amount of time in 2020. This is an almost 10% increase from 2019.

Remote work was a solution to COVID-19 that gave many people the opportunity to continue working as normally as possible even if they were no longer in their offices. The process was not a smooth one for all businesses, however, with many frantically sending their employees home with home office equipment and hastily written instructions for logging in remotely.

As the situation stabilises and the ‘new normal’ takes control, the question of asset management is an increasingly important one. What equipment are employers required to provide, and how should they track remote work assets? Let’s take a closer look.

What equipment must employers provide to comply with DSE regulations?

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), employers must provide the same training and safety precautions to employees working from home as they do those working from a corporate campus. This includes adhering to the guidelines surrounding display screen equipment (DSE).

Employees who need specialised DSE equipment should be provided with those items wherever possible. For some, this means taking things such as keyboards, risers, ergonomic chairs and computer mice home from work supplies. This does not mean that it must stay at home permanently, however, without any oversight. Keeping track of the equipment sent home should be a priority.

Asset management

Tracking assets ensures that businesses do not lose thousands – or, for bigger companies, millions – in hardware costs via a lack of asset management and inventory system. From theft to misplacement, losing track of expensive hardware is surprisingly common.

Smart asset management guidelines can help corporations to keep track of the devices they have purchased and sent to employees. This includes tracking the information they need to extend their business insurance as needed to cover relevant equipment that employees use while working from home.

Asset tags and other tools

Tracking assets might not be the simplest task, particularly when first creating an inventory of the hardware that was sent out in 2020 as employees first logged on from home. The short-term goal should be to begin ‘clean-up’ of existing assets and determine everything that employees have received. If they will be returning to work in a corporate office, those devices should be returned if they are no longer needed. If the workforce will stay remote, each employee’s equipment should be logged and tracked in the system.

The broader goal for asset management should be to work on creating a comprehensive asset tracking system. Tools such as asset tags, for example, are invaluable for this task. From labels to be placed directly on devices to two-part asset tags as well as micro asset tags, there is a solution that can be scaled to meet the needs of organisations both big and small.

Cloud software should be another long-term goal. Subscription-based software, in particular, is a vital part of remote work. Deadlines for renewals and budgets must be followed carefully to avoid large-scale disruption in the workplace, be it a virtual space or an in-person team meeting on a corporate campus.

The idea of working from home is no longer wishful thinking for many people around the world. Perhaps unsurprisingly, employees who grew accustomed to flexible working schedules and locations are pushing for the increase in remote work opportunities to stay to some extent. Over 90% of work-from-home employees expect to continue working from home for at least one day a week, with 80% expecting to work from their homes three times a week. With remote work seemingly here to stay in some capacity, it is important to ensure that all assets are tagged and properly tracked.

Seton’s asset management professionals are happy to offer customers high-quality asset tags designed to make tracking devices simple. Our team can help organise your ‘new normal’ and ensure that it is just as profitable as the old.

Disclaimer: The information provided through Legislation Watch is for general guidance only and is not legal advice. Legislation Watch is not a substitute for Health and Safety consultancy. You should seek independent advice about any legal matter.

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