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Electrical Safety Posters

Electrical safety is paramount. Regulations, while complex, are all about safety – ensuring that people are protected from harm and that prevention measures are as thorough as possible. Electrocution can be fatal; notices that promote risk assessment, prevention, awareness and response to accidents are about saving lives. Posters in a prominent position are there to daily appeal to staff to be careful and vigilant, and also to ensure businesses comply with health and safety law. Personnel should never be allowed to become lax about safety when working around electrical hazards. Throw the spotlight on it by displaying electrical safety posters at your site.

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Electrical Hazard Information: Buying Guide

Prevention is the key word when it comes to electrical shock accidents. There are many technical issues to be attended to and background checks and maintenance to be carried out to work safely with electrical appliances, especially around high-voltage works. Training, once it has taken place, may slowly drift from memory, and reminders and lists are a great way to ensure that it stays fresh.

Eye-catching posters carry a lot of condensed information. They may be directly stuck with fixings on cabinets, cupboards or walls, or mounted in a snap frame. They provide a handy summary of what is learnt in training, or sport a striking picture that creates awareness of danger. Choose from laminated paper, plastic or PVC. Posters are required by law and are there to reinforce training, alongside other tools such as the electrical safety maniac DVD.

Information point posters have a prominent 3D header. The electrical safety information point is distinguished from the first aid poster electric shock information point. The safety point poster details precautions such as risk assessment, risk management, legal requirements and how to carry out Portable Appliance Testing (PAT). The shock information point has rescue instructions and first aid for shock, unconsciousness and burns. Adhering to all the safety checks and hazard warnings will go a long way to preventing disaster, and electric shock will be a rare occurrence. Save money by ordering the multi-pack and get three useful aids promoting safety around electricity.

As it is important to understand the regulations governing safety in the workplace, a wallchart may be displayed, for instance, at a common meeting point. This is a great way to broach the need for methodologies, and employees will be prompted to keep in line with protocols such as regular testing of Residual Current Devices (RCDs) and knowing where underground cables run.

Both the electric shock treatment poster and the electric shock guidance posters provide first aid information in point form text with clarifying illustrations. These important lifesaving techniques will constantly be refreshed in the mind so that swift action can be taken in the event of an accident.

Accidents do unfortunately happen, and reporting is required, according to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). Posters detailing the correct procedures are very helpful tools in this regard. The accident reporting poster will tell you which accidents should be reported, who must do this, and gives information on how to go about it. Forms for this can be pulled out of an accident reporting book.

Regulations are laid out in the helpful “Electricity At Work – Workplace Regulation Wallchart.” This is very useful refresher information and will ensure that all the best background work is done and safety measures such as earthing, insulation, means of isolation, etc. are in place.